Mehdi's ePortfolio
Published Writing
Term 3 - shape
Learning Intention:
I am learning to identify and sort shapes.
Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I can name shapes and sort them in different ways.
Rich task at the beginning of the unit:
Rich task at the end of the unit:
Technology - Force & Motion
Technology Brief
Your moving toy needs to:
Have a body that can hold a plastic teddy bear.
Have at least two wheels that move by themselves.
You can push it to start it moving
Move past the 1 metre line at the bottom of the ramp.
Art warm and cold colours
Learning Intention:
I am learning to identify what art elements and techniques I have used.
Success Criteria:
To be successful I will identify what art elements and techniques I have used in my picture.
Singing Waiata at Hui
Learning Intention:
I am learning to show excellence by joining in and singing waiata properly at hui time.
Success Criteria:
To be successful I will join in and and put lots of effort into singing waiata properly with my classmates.
Learning Intention:
I am learning to create and perform a sequence that links 2 shapes.
Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I perform a sequence that I have created that links 2 shapes with a roll.
Talking about my Must do's at reading time
Learning Intention:
I am learning to complete my Must do's independently and help a buddy by talking about their learning.
Success Criteria:
I will be successful when I complete my Must do's independently before learning time is finished and talk to my buddy about their learning.
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